Mumbai: Rhea Chakraborty told her parents to stay strong after she returned from jail on Wednesday. The actor’s mother Sandhya said that despite being attacked verbally and physically, Rhea maintained her ‘dignity’. “Yet, even after she came home today, she looked at us and said: ‘Why do you look sad, we have to be strong and fight this’,” Sandhya was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times (HT).
“What she has gone through… how will she heal from this? But she is a fighter and she must be strong.” She continued, “I’ll have to put her on therapy to help her get over this trauma and reclaim her life,” she told Times Of India (TOI).
Sandhya admitting that she contemplated suicide. She said that she hasn’t been able to eat properly or sleep on the bed ever since her children were arrested and put behind bars, HT reported.
Rhea was granted bail by the Bombay High Court on Wednesday, after spending nearly a month at the Byculla Jail for drug-related charges in the Sushant Singh Rajput death case.
Rhea has been accused by Sushant’s father of abetting the actor’s suicide and misappropriating his funds. She was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau in September after the central agency found evidence tying her to the purchase of banned drugs.
Her brother Showik is still in jail. “While it’s a relief she’s out of prison, it’s crazy it’s still not over. My son is still behind bars and I’m paranoid about what tomorrow will bring.”
“I can’t sleep on the bed anymore when my children are suffering in jail. I can’t eat. I wake up in the middle of the night, gripped by a fear of the next thing that could go wrong. My family’s not just been pushed to a corner, it’s been destroyed. At one point I thought the only way to end it was by ending my life. I’m not this kind of person, you know. I’ve sought therapy for myself. Now when these feelings appear, I keep reminding myself I need to be there for my children. They’re going through far worse,” Sandhya was quoted as saying by HT.
Also Read: Rhea Chakraborty Taught Yoga In Jail To Stay Calm, Reveals Lawyer
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