
Rs 392-Crore Penalty On MMT-Goibibo, OYO; Know Why

New Delhi: The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed monetary and behavioural sanctions on MMT-Go (MakeMyTrip and GoIbibo) for abusing its dominant position and also for having anti-competitive arrangement with OYO (Oravel Stays Limited).

OYO has also been slapped with monetary penalty for its anti-competitive arrangement with MMT-Go by which MMT-Go delisted the competitors of OYO from its online portals in 2018.

While MMT-Go has been fined Rs 223.48 crore, OYO will have to shell out a fine of Rs 168.88 crore for unfair business practices.

Besides financial penalties, CCI – in its 131-page order — directed MMT-Go to “suitably modify its agreements with hotels/chain hotels to remove/abandon the price and room availability parity obligations imposed by it on its hotel/chain hotel partners with respect to other OTAs (Online Travel Agencies).”

CCI has also asked MMT-Go to modify agreements and do away with certain exclusivity conditions.

“MMT-Go is directed to provide access to its platform on a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory basis to the hotels/chain hotels, by formulating the platforms’ listing terms and conditions in an objective manner,” the order stated.