
Russia’s Ukraine Invasion: International Courts Start Investigation

The Hague: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is set to take up the issue of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Monday.

The United Nations court, located at The Hague in The Netherlands, will consider an injunction Ukraine has sought against Russia under the UN Convention against Genocide.

A second trial is also underway with the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigating whether Russian President Vladimir Putin or others in Kremlin are responsible for war crimes or crimes against humanity in Ukraine.

ICJ, the United Nations court which settles disputes between two countries, is considering an injunction Ukraine has sought against Russia under the UN Convention against Genocide.

The responsibility of ICC, on the other hand, is to enforce international law and determine whether individuals – not states — are guilty.

Ukraine wants UN judges to classify Russia’s act as ‘genocide’ and also reject Moscow’s claim that Ukraine was committing genocide against Russian minority in the eastern region of the country.