Bhubaneswar: SAI International Residential School (SIRS) was inaugurated by Naveen Patnaik on Monday April 2, 2018. On the occasion, Patnaik said that “SAI International is a torch bearer of a rich legacy based on the tenets of the Guru Shishya Parampara. I am indeed delighted to be here to inaugurate SAI International Residential School, the latest venture of Dr. Sahoo.” He further said that SIRS has added one more feather to the State’s educational sector.”
Among others present on the occasion were Badri Narayan Patra, Minister School & Mass Education and Science & Technology, Pravat Tripathy, Member of Legislative Assembly, Alan Gemmell OBE, Director, British Council India, B.S. Shekhawat, ED, Central Bank of India, J.P.Singh, President SME, Axis Bank, Dr. Bijoy K Sahoo, Chairman, SAI International, Dr. Silpi Sahoo, Vice Chairperson, Amitabh Agnihotri, Headmaster SIRS.
Minister Patra lauded the effort of SAI International Group and said that “It is indeed a proud moment for Odisha to witness a school of such magnitude” and opined that SIRS being a forward integration of the group will live up to the aspirations of parents, students and the state as well. He also stressed that schools should go beyond the traditional methods and provide students a wider arena to explore.
Alan Gemmell spoke on the long and fruitful association of British Council with SAI International for the last one decade and said that “British Council has been a learning partner of SAI since 2009 and he looks forward to leverage this partnership with more collaborative engagements both in SAI International School and SAI International Residential School”. Gemmell highly appreciated the vision of Dr. Sahoo and said “for its exemplary practices of internationalism in the school, SAI is bestowed with the International School Award for three consecutive terms”.
Dr. Sahoo in his address recalled the valuable contributions of Patnaik which made SAI International Group a possibility. He extended his deep gratitude to everyone present there and thanked them for their guidance and constant support.
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