New Delhi: Samsung has launched its new mid-premium range phone – the A8 Star – in India on Friday. The phone will compete with the likes of OnePlus 6, Asus Zenfone 5Z and Poco F1. It has a 6.3-inch FHD+ AMOLED 18:5:9 Infinity Display and is draped in glass both in the front and back. It has face unlock and fingerprint sensor.
The Samsung Galaxy A8 Star has been priced at Rs 34,990. It will be exclusively available on Amazon from August 27.
It is powered by the Snapdragon 660 SoC coupled with 6GB of RAM and 64 GB storage.
The rear camera setup has a 16-MP primary sensor and a 24-MP secondary unit. Both have a aperture size of f/1.7. The front camera is 24-MP. The phone has software tricks to take better selfies. The screen can light up to take selfies in low light.
The battery is a big 3700mAh. The phone comes with Android Oreo and Samsung Experience UI added to it. There are Bixby voice assistant, dual apps and Samsung Pay via NFC support too.
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