
Special Mo Bus Service On These 6 Routes In Bhubaneswar On Aug 29

Bhubaneswar: In view of the OSSSC RI Examination scheduled to be held on Sunday (August 29), Capital Region Urban Transport (CRUT) has decided to run a special Mo Bus service to ease the commuting experience of the examinees.

“We decided to provide the service for OSSSC RI candidates before and after their examination,” informed CRUT General Manager Dipti Mahapatro.

Buses will be operational on routes 16, 17, 18, 19, 50 and 70.

The regular Mo Bus service, however, will remain suspended on other weekends for this month till further notice, she said, adding that the shuttle service from railway station to Cuttack and Khurda and from airport to railway station will continue.

Notably, passengers wearing masks and only up to seating capacity are allowed to commute in Mo Bus.