
Students Barred From Using Car & Motorcycles On VSSUT Campus In Odisha’s Sambalpur

Sambalpur: To check rising accidents, the authorities of Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) in Odisha’s Sambalpur district have restricted use of vehicles, both four and two wheelers, on the campus.

The boarders are not allowed keep vehicles or drive those on the campus and have been instead advised to use bicycles.

If any boarder is found keeping their vehicle, it will be seized by the university authority and towed to City Police through the district administration, the notification said.

The hostel wardens have been asked to ensure that the order is implemented strictly.

“Around 5,000 students are staying on the campus and use of 3,000 to 4,000 vehicles can pose a threat to them. In the recent past, we lost a student to a fatal accident while another had a close shave. We hope the guardians will understand that vehicles are not a necessity and students are coming here to study. This is also improtant since we have a highway nearby which witnesses heavy traffic,” said VSSUT Vice-Chancellor Banshidhar Majhi.

The guardians will also be informed about the decision and advised to take back the vehicles, he added.

Those keen to keep vehicles have been asked to arrange for an alternative place to park them outside the campus, sources further said.