Representational image.
I keep my head bowed
Let you decide,
My life for me, my choices,
Even my thoughts and my desires.
I keep my voice hushed
And let you choose for me,
Who I must love, and who I must let in,
To my heart, mind and even my body.
I keep my eyes closed
To the injustice and pain,
That I see my sisters bear,
Under your tyrannical reign.
And now I find myself,
Hanging by a thread, staring,
Into a chasm of doom so deep,
There is no returning.
So now is when it ends;
I just need a moment to apologise,
For letting slip by, the portends.
And here, I come out of my disguise.
And let this be known to all,
That I have put all compassion aside,
To your appeal or appal,
My silence, is not my weakness,
Nor is my reluctance, submission.
Concurrence is never meekness,
And kindness not my contrition.
I now put on my armour,
And let us go to war,
With resolve strong (but heart aflutter),
I ask you,
Now show me your ardour.