
Tall Order! How A 68-Year-Old Man Became 3 Inches Taller In 3 Months

New Delhi: In a social media story that has gone viral, a person in his late 60s has lengthened his legs by paying Rs 2 crore. Roy Conn. A 68-year-old man underwent a “painful” medical procedure to lengthen his legs, gaining three inches in height. The procedure cost him £130,000 (about Rs. 1.2 crore).

Roy Conn, who was 5 feet 6 inches tall before the complicated bone-lengthening procedure that has been used since the 1950s, is now 5 feet 9 inches tall. Roy, who underwent the procedure in his late 60s, explained to ITV why he chose to do so: “It wasn’t a big deal. Since I was little, I’ve simply been aware of it, and as you mentioned, I’ve had the opportunity to do it when I could.

The end of that. I wasn’t really self-conscious about it; I simply always felt short.” He stated: “My wife, who obviously liked me for who I was, was more concerned about it than I was. Consequently, it was for me and not for anyone else.”

“At first, [recovery] was quite difficult and, yes, it was unpleasant. But you simply move past it,” Roy was quoted as saying. His doctor, Dr Kevin Debiparshad, indicated, “The treatment will likely take an hour and a half to complete. After that, the patient must endure the lengthening procedure, which requires roughly one millimetre every day.

You can capture one inch of length in roughly 25 days, and three inches of length in about two and a half months.” Added the doctor, “I believe that having a career at home is helpful if you want to get taller since you may return to work a few days after the treatment without anyone noticing. So you may complete the entire procedure and reach the goal while still working a full-time job, which is probably one of the reasons,” Zee News reported.