Hyderabad: Amid adoring shouts and slogans, the Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai flogged himself six times on Friday. A video shared by the ANI shows Annamalai standing shirtless in a green lungi, with a large whip in his hand. He whips himself six times. One of his supporters stops him the seventh time. The supporter runs in, dodges the whip, and hugs Annamalai.
Why the self-flagellation?
Last evening, the senior BJP leader promised to whip himself six times to kickstart a mega protest. His protest campaign also includes a 48-day fast and a promise to go barefeet. He is protesting against the ruling DMK with the aim of ensuring its defeat in the 2026 Assembly election.
“Anybody understanding Tamil culture will understand this (the self-flagellation). Flogging ourselves… punishing ourselves… it is part of this culture,” he told reporters.
“This (his protest) is not against any person or thing… but against a continuous injustice that is happening in the state,” Annamalai told reporters.
His protest comes after a second year student was allegedly sexually assaulted by two men at Anna University. The BJP alleged that one of the accused was a DMK functionary. “What happened at Anna University is only the tipping point. If you look at what has been happening over the last 3 years… the continuous injustice against the common people, against women and children, and the corruption…” he said.
“So, yesterday I announced that we have chosen to go (down this) path… which a lot of my forefathers walked on, flogging and whipping ourselves,” he added.
On Wednesday, Annamalai claimed that the state had become a “breeding ground of unlawful activities” and a “haven for criminals” under the DMK government.
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