Bhubaneswar: Balianta police with the assistance of Special Squad arrested three criminals in the Odisha capital on Wednesday. The arrested persons have been identified as Manas Nayak (22), Niranjan Nayak (20) and Biswabhusan Patra (27). They belong to Belapada village under Gania police limits in Nayagarh district. Police seized 31 batteries stolen from ATMs and mobile towers of Bhubaneswar, one Alfa Auto, one Hero Maestero and one Libero bike from them.
Mumbai: Kapil Sharma has been issued a death threat through email, originating from Pakistan. The…
Bhubaneswar: The Khurda Road-Balangir Rail Line project in Odisha has been granted the crucial Stage II…
New Delhi: The political temperature is rising in the national Capital as the Delhi Assembly…
Kolkata: This is as bizarre a ‘theft’ as you would have ever heard. A Swiggy delivery…
Jajpur: One person was killed and two others were seriously injured as a sand-laden truck…
Mumbai: Fans of Bigg Boss 18 contestant Rajat Dalal were anticipating that the fitness influencer…
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