New Delhi: An image that she had retweeted has landed Kangana Ranaut in trouble. The Rashtriya Lok Samta Party (RLSP) has lodged two cases against the Bollywood actor Ranaut for allegedly portraying its national president and former Union minister Upendra Kushwaha in a bad light through a picture which she had retweeted. The cases have been lodged at Patna and Gaya civil court under different sections of IPC and IT Act, Hindustan Times (HT) reported.
“The case against Ranaut has been lodged by our legal cell state president Awadh Bihari Singh in the court of CJM on Friday,” RLSP national general secretary Fazal Imam Mallick was quoted as saying. A similar case was lodged by a party worker at Gaya civil court on Thursday.
What was the Tweet?
The original tweet was from the Twitter handle of someone called YOYO Funny Singh. Using Kushwaha’s election meeting photo, he showed him as Azad Kashmir while the other people, posing with him, were marked as Liberal, Jihadi, Urban Naxals and Khalistani. Ranaut re-tweeted it on December 3.
“Ranaut’s tweet was re-tweeted by nearly 5,000 people; 6,000 people reacted to it and more than 37,000 people saw it. This has presented a wrong picture of our leader Kushwaha and is an attempt to spread hatred in the society and country,” alleged Mallick.
Objecting to the re-tweet, Kushwaha wondered whether such activities will help her get an entry into politics. He also tagged the Bihar and Maharashtra DGPs, requesting them to take strong action against all those involved in it, the report added.
Though police of both Maharashtra and Bihar as well as Twitter India officials were aware of the matter, no cognisance had been taken in the matter. “We were left with no option but to lodge a complaint in this regard. The tweet shows her mindset and is an attempt to get cheap publicity,” Mallick was quoted as saying.
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