The data war in India has entered a new level with more players coming to the fray. Firstly, it was Reliance Jio, who slashed the prices of call and data to bottom low with new plans. Giving a tough fight to Jio, Vodafone has launched new 4G phone priced Rs 999. Earlier, Airtel also took out new phone priced at Rs 1399.
The new phones will be available from November and will bring new revolution in the market. The Indian made Micromax also joined hands with BSNL last week to launch the Bharat-1 4G-enabled feature phone, which is cheap.
The Vodafone has tied up with Micromax for the Bharat-2 Ultra, the same way Airtel 4G joined hands with Karbonn for new 4G phones. Under the new deal between Vodafone and Micromax, users can get the new Bharat-2 Ultra 4G smartphone for just Rs. 2,899. Not only its cheap, you can recharge it with at least Rs. 150 per month for the next 36 months.
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