
[Watch] Dharmendra Warns Andhra Against Intrusion Into Odisha As He Celebrates Utkal Divas In Kotia

Koraput: Amid neighbouring Andhra Pradesh’s continued intrusion in Kotia of Odisha’s Koraput district, Union Education Minister leader Dhamerndra Pradhan along with six BJP legislators visited the area to celebrate Utkal Divas on Saturday.

During his visit, the senior BJP leader chanced to meet some officials of Andhra Pradesh who were present at Fatusineri village, and asked them to go back.

Shouting ‘Bande Utkal Janani’ and ‘Andhra Go Back’, the Union Minister asserted that Kotia does not belong to Andhra Pradesh, but is an integral part of Odisha.

Stating that the people of Koraput will never allow anybody to intrude into this region, the senior BJP leader said all the nameplates of Andhra government should be taken off.

The Union Minister first visited Fatusineri village, where he was accorded a warm welcome by the people of tribal communities and local BJP leaders.

Dharmendra took part in a programme orgnaised by local residents and BJP leaders to mark the celebration of Utkal Divas.

Speaking on the occasion, Dharmendra described the day as an auspicious occasion which symbolises the pride for Odia people.

“Odisha became a separate Utkal Pradesh on the basis of its language in 1936 due to relentless efforts of many great sons of the soil including Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das and Utkal Gourav Madhusudan Das and Parala King,” he observed.

The Union Minister appealed to the people to take a vow to work unitedly for the progress and development of Odisha.

The senior BJP leader, who tasted strawberry at a farm, described Kotia panhayat as a region with huge potential.

During his visit to the area, he interacted with children and local people about their problems before leaving for Sunabeda.

Talking to reporters, Dharmendra  said that he would discuss with Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy about the problems in Kotia and tell him that Andhra should not intrude into the area.