New Delhi: Social media has been abuzz ever since Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt announced their pregnancy. So, the Kapoor scion is on its way! Alia Bhatt announced that she was expecting today in a sweet Instagram post. She shared a picture of herself with hubby Ranbir Kapoor during a doctor’s appointment. Netizens didn’t waste much time to shower the couple with good wishes.
But condom brand Durex stole the show with their cheeky post.
Durex took to Instagram and Twitter to share the witty post. “Mehfil mein teri, hum toh clearly nahi the,” read the hilarious post.
Even when the couple got married on April 14, the brand had shared a post, which was a take-off from Channa Mereya. “Dear Ranbir and Alia, Mehfil mein tere hum na rahein jo, FUN toh nahi hai (sic),” read Durex’s post dedicated to the newlyweds.
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