New Delhi: Xiaomi on Tuesday launched 5 new products in India. In the IoT category, it launched a new Mi Smart LED Bulb and Mi Automatic Soap Dispenser along with a new Mi Athleisure Shoes.
Mi Automatic Soap Dispenser
Priced at Rs 999, this automatic dispenser lets users receive soap foam in a maximum of 0.25 seconds and users don’t have to wave their hands in front of it, the company claims. It will be available from October 15. It works on 4 AA batteries and uses a low noise motor and a 60-90mm infrared sensor to dispense soap foam. There is no mention of whether alcohol-based sanitizers can be used in this or not.
Our take: Coming to competition, so far there are very few reputable brands offering automatic soap dispensers and at affordable prices. Considering the pandemic, this looks like a winner for Xiaomi.
Mi Smart LED Bulb
Our Take: It is a well priced smart bulb that’s dimmable and compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant. It, however, doesn’t have multiple colour changing options that expensive ones have.
Mi Athleisure Shoes
Xiaomi has also launched its most affordable shoes till date. Priced at Rs 1,499, the new shoes are claimed to be “the perfect workout companion”. It looks to have been inspired from Nike Roshe Run. It has a mesh fabric and an oversized EVA sole. It is available in 3 colours with contrast reflective patches.
Xiaomi also launched two wearables – Mi Watch Revolve and Mi Band 5.
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