Sambalpur: A 100-year-old bridge connecting Sambalpur city with Kuchinda town in the district collapsed late Thursday night. There was no casualty but the driver of a dumper, which was crossing the bridge at the time, was critically injured.
According to sources, the bridge over Kharla river collapsed while while the dumper was crossing it at around 10 pm. The vehicle got trapped in the broken portions of the bridge which was constructed during the British rule. While the helper of the dumper jumped out to the river, the driver got stuck in the mangled vehicle.
On being informed, police and fire personnel rushed to the spot and tried to rescue the driver. But, the rescue team found it tough to get him out as his legs were trapped in the debris and damaged parts of the dumper.
The team fetched gas cutters, cut through the vehicle and rescued the driver after nearly 10 hours of operation on Friday morning. He was rushed to a hospital in Kuchinda.
The road communication between Sambalpur and Kuchinda on National Highway 49 has been snapped due to the bridge collapse.