11 Jatra Performers Hospitalised With Diarrhoea Symptoms In Odisha’s Balasore

Nilgiri: At least eleven artists of an opera troupe were reportedly rushed to hospital in at Nilgiri in Odisha’s Balasore after they complained of severe diarrhoea.

As per sources, the performers of Sai Shree opera troupe had come to Nilgiri to hold programmes at Dhobasila as part of the Raja festival celebration.

However, shortly before the start of their performance, many of the troupe members, including women artists, started complaining of loose motion, vomiting and nausea.

Some of them became so critical that they were even unable to move to the stage. All the artists complained of severe gastro infection on Monday morning and were admitted to hospital for treatment

Sources said that the troupe members were given water rice to eat on Sunday afternoon following which they suffered from loose motion and started vomiting.

Though the exact reason behind the suspected diarrhoea is yet to be ascertained, consumption of contaminated water or food is suspected to have caused their illness.

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