1205 Doctors To Be Posted In Major Hospitals Across Odisha

Bhubaneswar: To fill up vacancies in select hospitals, the Odisha government has recruited 1,205 medical graduates recently selected by the Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC).

This is part of  ‘Ama Hospital’ initiative to transformation of healthcare facilities in the state by filling up vacancies at select referral hospitals, PHCs and CHCs.

The medical graduates will be appointed to the rank of Group A (junior branch) of the Odisha Medical and Health Services cadre and posted to Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar and Rourkela Government Hospital along with peripheral hospitals in districts after online counselling. “The districts will constitute a committee to allot the medical officers their place of posting through counselling in a physical mode based on their OPSC rank,” Health secretary Shalini Pandit told a national daily.

Vacancies in jail hospitals will be filled up on the basis of High Court order, she said.

The Health secretary said that further posting at SDH and DHH level included under ‘Ama Hospital’ initiative will be taken up once vacancies in PHCs and CHCs are filled.

Notably, modalities have already been framed to transform 147 hospitals, including 30 district headquarters, 30 sub-divisional, 82 CHCs, two UPHCs and one City Hospital besides Capital Hospital and Rourkela Government Hospital, under ‘Ama Hospital’ initiative at a cost of Rs 750 crore by October.

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