Jagatsinghpur: In a tragic incident, two brothers died after drowning in a river while performing the ‘dasaha karma’ – 10th day ritual – of a family member in Odisha’s Jagatsinghpur district on Tuesday.
The young brothers drowned in the Devi river at Baredia village in the after being swept away by strong current while participating in the 10th day post death ritual, sources said.
The deceased have been identified as Rinku Pal and his brother Swadesh.
According to the locals, Satya Narayan Pal who was a BSF Jawan, of Baredia village had died in a road accident on October 8. His 10th day post death rituals were being performed on the banks of Devi river and relatives and friends were present.
As a part of the rituals, Rinku, Swadesh and other relatives of the deceased were taking a dip. The two brothers were rescued by locals after being swept away in the river. They were rushed to Adaspur hospital, where doctors declared them ‘received dead’.