Bhubaneswar: At least 38 persons were booked in Odisha on Wednesday for allegedly making hoax/indecent calls to State Health Helpline 104. Ziqitza Health Care Limited, which operates the service on behalf of the state government, filed a complaint at Saheed Nagar Police Station in Bhubaneswar in this regard.
Hoax callers talked dirty with the call centre staff, said the complaint.
Ziqitza provided a list of 38 callers who made the fake/abusive calls to the health helpline from April 1 to 21.
The number has been also working as the COVID-19 helpline to handle health queries, corona related enquiries and travel registration.
The complainant further said the toll free call lines get engaged for long duration as a result of which persons who genuinely need to avail the Health Helpline service in an emergency conditions are not get in touch with the call centre.