Nabarangpur: Odisha’s Nabarangpur district, which reported highest number of students dropping out of Matriculation examination in 2022, witnessed 973 candidates skipping the annual Board examination on the first day.
As many as 2,155 students had dropped out of the Matric examination, conducted by Board of Secondary Education (BSE), at the rate of 14% of the examinees in the southern district last year. Even as the entire state was shocked by the drop-out rate, the authorities have managed to bring down the drop-out rate to nearly 50% over the previous year.
According to sources, most of the drop-out students belong to government-run schools in the district. Almost each of the total 79 examination centres has reported drop-out of examinees this year. In the Summative-I test earlier, 917 students had opted out of the examination.
This year, 15,533 students of government and private schools had submitted forms to appear at the Matric examination. They included 15,407 regular students and 126 SOSC students.