Senior Odisha Cop Accused Of ‘Seeking Sexual Favours’, Probe Ordered

Bhubaneswar: Twin City Police Commissioner Saumendra Priyadarshi on Monday ordered a probe into allegations against DCP, Armed Commandant, Bijay Sahoo.

He has been accused by the wife of a Sepoy, Nihar Ranjan Nayak posted at OSAP 7th Battalion here, of seeking sexual favours from girls and women coming to Family Welfare Centre for tailoring training.

In a written complaint to Odisha DGP,  Sunita Lenka alleged that her husband was admitted to hospital on Sunday as he was under severe stress for the last two months.

Nihar imparted training on various handicrafts to the wives and daughters of Sipoys and Havildars. Around 23 women and girls go to the centre for the training. She alleged that the DCP forced her husband to convince the trainees to visit his bungalow.

“He abused my husband and threatened to suspending him if the latter refused to obey his order. He even had warned him against going to any top cop’s house for tailoring-related work without his permission,” she said.

She further stated that her husband was appointed by Additional DGP (SAP) Nageswar Ray in July 2012 and since then all four DCP (Armed) had appreciated him for his good work and even felicitated him for the same on various occasions.

The complainant urged the DGP to initiate immediate action against the senior cop following a proper probe.

Reacting to the allegations, Sahoo told a local news channel that the allegations are false and baseless. “The false allegations have been to avoid a transfer. I am requesting senior officials to investigate the matter,” he said.

Additional Commissioner of Police Rekha Lohani will investigate the matter.

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