[Watch] Maratha Quota Protesters Set On Fire NCP MLA Prakash Solanke’s Maharashtra Home

New Delhi:  Maharashtra MLA Prakash Solanke’s home in Beed district was vandalised and set on fire on Monday over the Maratha quota issue. The protesters were reportedly angered by the Nationalist Congress Party leader’s remarks on the hunger strike by pro-quota activist Manoj Jarange Patil. Protesters also threw stones and damaged a vehicle parked outside Mr Solanke’s home.

“I was inside my home when it was attacked. Fortunately, none of my family or staff were injured. We are all safe but there is a huge loss of property,” the NCP lawmaker was quoted as saying by ANI.

Visuals shared by ANI showed a large white house completely engulfed in flames and a frighteningly massive plume of black smoke rising from the burning building.

The Maratha quota row protests have also impacted a cricket World Cup match being played in Pune, where Afghanistan are playing Sri Lanka. Looking to avoid disruptions to the match, police are turning back everyone dressed in black, fearful they may look to make a political statement

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