Anvesh Subham Pradhan Tops JEE Main In Odisha; Know About This Boy Who Interacted With PM Modi

Bhubaneswar: Anvesh Subham Pradhan, a student of DAV Chandrasekharpur, has topped the Joint Entrance Examination (Main) Session 2 of 2024 in Odisha.

He secured 99.9971643 percentile in the exam, the result of which was published by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on Wednesday night.

Anvesh, who has been a topper since school days, wants to make a career in research. “My preferences are IIT Bombay, IIT Madras and IIT Delhi. I will choose computer science or mathematics and computing as subject of my study,” TOI reported quoting him.

Mathematics and chemistry have been his favourite subjects.

He was one among the 32 students from across the country who received the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar in 2021 for excellence in different fields. He won the award for his outstanding scholastic achievement and also attended a virtual interaction with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Khurda collectorate.

Anvesh is also Global Child Prodigy Awardee 2022 in Mathematics category. He has received more than 600 certificates in different competitions, Olympiads and events.

Students who took part in the April session can view their scorecards on the official website at

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