New Delhi: Veteran actor Chiranjeevi was among the 132 people conferred with Padma awards, the government announced on the eve of Republic Day. He has been honoured with the Padma Vibhushan, the second-highest civilian honour awarded for exceptional and distinguished service. Hours after the big announcement, the actor issued a video statement and expressed his gratitude to his fans and well-wishers.
Chiranjeevi shared that he was “speechless” after he got to know about the honour and said that he is “overwhelmed, humbled and grateful” about it. “It is only the unconditional love of the audience, my friends, my blood brothers, and sisters. I owe this life and moment to you. I have always tried to express my gratitude in the ways I can, though I know I can never do enough,” he said.
— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) January 25, 2024