Mumbai: For the third time in a row, actor Jacqueline Fernandez on Monday skipped her appearance before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for questioning in connection with a probe into an over Rs 200 crore money-laundering case against alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekar, PTI reported.
She is understood to have cited professional engagements as the reason for her absence. The probe agency may issue her a fresh date.
Fernandez, 36, has appeared before the federal agency once in August and recorded her statement in this case under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act.
The agency wants to confront her with the main accused in the case involving Chandrashekhar and his actor wife Leena Maria Paul, PTI reported.
The agency wants to understand some trail of funds and transactions allegedly linked to Fernandez in this case, officials were quoted as saying.