Mumbai: Actor-producer Sachiin Joshi, who had accused Raj Kundra, his wife and actress Shilpa Shetty and Satyug Gold of cheating him in a gold scheme, has won the court battle.
The Bombay High Court has directed Satyug Gold to hand over the possession of 1 kg gold as well as pay Joshi a sum of Rs 3 lakh as cost towards legal proceedings.
In January, this year, Joshi had had filed the case against Satyug Gold, Kundra and Shilpa for alleged fraudulent representation and non-receipt of gold after six years of making the payment.
According to media reports, Joshi had been paying money to the company as part of a scheme that promised high return in gold.
“I was asked to pay Rs 25 lakh to collect Rs 18,57,870 worth of gold after six years of my hard-earned money lying with a company. Imagine the state of the common man who must have invested believing a celebrity who endorsed a company as its chairman,” Joshi was quoted as saying by India Today.
“The case turned when they were asked to hand over the gold and they ended up purchasing it from Anmol Jewellers and attaching the bill. This by default means that there was no question of storage charges as there was no gold with Kundra and Satyug Gold in the first place. And, these so-called ‘false and baseless allegations’ came true,” he added.