New Delhi: Amidst all the frenzy of election results, comes news that actor Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal have been blessed with a daughter on Monday, June 3. The proud father took to social media today to share the good news and provide an update on the mother and baby’s health.
Posting a cute video on Instagram, Varun wrote, “Our baby girl is here 💞 Thank u for all the good wishes for the mama and the baby.”
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Varun’s father, filmmaker David Dhawan shared the happy news with paparazzi stationed outside the Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai on Monday night. Later, Varun’s mother, Lalli, also thanked the paparazzi as they congratulated her on the birth of Varun’s daughter.
Varun and Natasha tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in 2021. The couple announced their pregnancy in February as they posted a beautiful image in which Varun was seen planting a kiss on Natasha’s baby bump. He wrote, “We are pregnant, Need all your blessings and love #myfamilymystrenght.”