New Delhi: RR has done it again! SS Rajamouli’s cinematic marvel has gone ahead and collected the Critics Choice Awards 2023. After bringing the Golden Globe for the song ‘Naatu Nattu,’ filmmaker Rajamouli’s magnum opus film RRR has won the Critics’ Choice Award for Best Foreign Language Film. A tweet from the handle of the 28th Critics’ Choice Awards read: “Congratulations to the cast and crew of @RRRMovie – winners of the #criticschoice Award for Best Foreign Language Film. #CriticsChoiceAwards”
Director S. S. Rajamouli thanked “the women in my life” while accepting his award, beginning with his mother. “She thought school education was overrated and she encouraged me to read comics and storybooks, and she encouraged my creativity,” said Rajamouli, who also thanked his wife, costume designer Rama Rajamouli. “More than that, she’s the designer of my life.”
In a video shared on the official Twitter handle of Critics Choice Awards, SS Rajamouli was seen posing with the honour at the ceremony. The clip showed Rajamouli posing for the shutterbugs with the trophy. “The handle Cheers on a well deserved win @RRRMovie,” the caption read. In the clip, he is seen dressed in brown kurta paired with a khakee coloured pants with a red and grey muffler.
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