New Delhi: Around 200 passengers were stranded at Pune Airport on Thursday after a Delhi-bound Air India flight collided with a luggage tractor while taxiing towards the runway. Airport officials said the collision resulted in damage to one of the wings and a tyre of the aircraft. The incident occurred when around 180 passengers were onboard, ANI reported.
“The aircraft, carrying around 180 passengers, suffered damage to its nose and a tyre near the landing gear. Despite the collision, all passengers and crew on board are reported to be safe,” an airport official was quoted as saying.
An Air India flight bound for Delhi experienced a collision with a tug tractor while taxiing towards the runway at Pune Airport yesterday, 16th May. The incident occurred when around 180 passengers were on-board.
“The aircraft, carrying around 180 passengers, suffered damage to…
— ANI (@ANI) May 17, 2024
The mishap unfolded as the Air India AI-858 flight was preparing to depart from Pune at 4 pm. Due to damage to the aircraft, the flight was delayed and the passengers were deplaned. Following the incident, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has initiated an inquiry into the matter.
Last Friday, a ladder belonging to IndiGo collided with a chartered aircraft carrying Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma during an election campaign in Pune.