New Delhi: The Special Cell of Delhi Police on Thursday flew Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair to Bengaluru to recover his laptop which he used for uploading various contents on social media sites. According to police, he has allegedly formatted his electronic devices and is refusing to hand them over to police despite being repeatedly asked.
“Zubair was deliberately using religion to outrage a religious group. He was doing this to gain popularity,” the police have alleged, Telangana Today reported.
According to the Special Cell, he was evasive and not cooperating with the officials. After recovering the laptop, the police will try to access the hard disk memory to check the edited materials allegedly posted by him. The laptop will be sent for the forensic examinations at CFSL, Rohini.
“My laptop and my phone storage are my personal things. They want my laptop only to harass me, only because I have been challenging what certain people have been saying, and some of those people are in power,” Zubair had said through his counsel Vrinda Grover before a Delhi court.