New Delhi: Amitabh Bachchan proudly showed off his grandson Agastya Nanda to fans gathered outside his Mumbai residence. The youngster, who is Shweta Nanda’s son, recently made his Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’, which premiered on Netflix on December 7. As is customary, the veteran actor took time out to greet fans outside Jalsa on Sunday, but this time he surprised them by bringing Agastya along with him.
Sharing their pictures on X early on Monday, Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “T 4856 – Sunoo!! (rose emoji).” His tweet was a reference to Sunoh, a song picturised on Agastya and others in his debut film, The Archies. Introducing the key characters from Riverdale, Sunoh was the first music video from the Netflix film, which was unveiled in October.
As the megastar waved to fans gathered in huge numbers outside his home, he embraced Agastya, who wore a big smile, on the pedestal. Another picture, taken from behind, showed excited fans waving to Amitabh and Agastya and clicking their photos.
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