New Delhi: Anupam Kher has not taken kindly to his film The Kashmir Files being snubbed at the Filmfare Awards held in Mumbai on Thursday. The film was nominated in multiple categories including Anupam being nominated for Best Actor In A Leading Role (Male), which was eventually won by Rajkummar Rao for Badhaai Do. The apparent reason could be director Vivek Agnihotri’s refusal to accept the awards. He had written a long note ahead of the event, calling Filmfare “unethical and anti-cinema awards”.
Vivek had penned a long note ahead of the Filmfare Awards against the star system and written, “Therefore, as my protest and dissent against a corrupt, unethical and sycophant establishment of Bollywood, I have decided to not accept such awards. I refuse to be part of any oppressive and corrupt system or awards which treats writers, directors and other HODs & crew members of a film inferior to and/or as slaves to stars.”
Taking to Twitter on Friday, Anupam shared a quote that read: “Izzat ek mehenga tohfa hai, uski ummeed saste logo se na karein (Respect is a precious prize, don’t expect it from cheap people).” He shared it with the hashtag The Kashmir Files.
Singer Shivang Upadhyay commented on his tweet, “Box-office, logo ke appreciation aur pyar se bada award koi bhi nhi hai (no award is bigger than box office, people’s appreciation and love).” A person tweeted in Hindi, “#TheKashmirFiles has garnered respect from the audience, a few awards cannot be a criteria of respect).” Another wrote, “Agnihotri ne mana kiya tha Kher saab (Vivek Agnihotri had refused to accept the award).”
The Kashmir Files was nominated for Best Film, Best Screenplay and Vivek Agnihotri in the Best Director category. Cast members Mithun Chakraborty and Darshan Kumar were also nominated in the Best Supporting Actor category for the film.
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) April 28, 2023