Apple iPhone SE 2 To Launch On April 15

Apple is expected to launch its new low-cost iPhone SE 2 or iPhone 9 after shifting the launch date twice from March 31 to April 3 to April 15 now. However, considering the ongoing lockdown against the coronavirus pandemic, the date could be shifted further.

The new phone will be the successor to the iPhone SE that was launched in 2016. The main highlight will be an affordable price-tag and a smaller 4.7-inch display screen. It is rumoured to be available at prices starting around Rs 30,000.

The design leaks suggest that the new phone will look similar to the iPhone 8 and will also have the Touch ID button. But the Face ID feature may not be included, according to some reports. The phone may come in silver, grey and gold colour options.

Powering the new SE 2 will be the same A13 Bionic chipset that powers the iPhone 11 series. It will most likely will be paired with 3GB of RAM and come in 64GB and 128GB storage options.

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