Mumbai: Breaking his silence on the Aryan Khan case, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray in his Dusshera address on Friday, slammed the Narcotic Control Bureau (NCB) without taking its name. He claimed that while NCB is recovering a small quantity of drugs, the Maharashtra cops have recovered drugs worth Rs 150 crores during Mundra drug haul.
“All they are interested in is to catch celebrities, get their pictures clicked and make some noise,” Thackeray was quoted by news agency ANI. This is his first comment regarding the drugs case in Mumbai for which Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan has been arrested.
“They have painted a picture that Maharashtra has become a drug capital. That is not the case. In Mundra, there was a drug haul of crores. While your agencies are recovering pinch of ganja, the Maharashtra cops have recovered drugs worth Rs 150 crores,” Thackeray further added.
The chief minister said that this is a conspiracy to malign the name of Maharashtra and paint it as the hub for drugs. He added that due to the publicity that such drug cases receive Maharashtra is being perceived through a different lens. “While we are being targetted, why are places like Uttar Pradesh, where rapes happen, not criticised as well?” he asked.