New Delhi: Amid the ongoing tussle between Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Tihar jail administration, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal was administered insulin on the advice of AIIMS doctors on Monday evening after a sudden spike in his blood sugar level.
“Yesterday, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal was administered low-dose insulin at Tihar Jail. His sugar level was 217 yesterday. AIIMS team had said that he could be administered low-dose insulin when the level crosses 200,” ANI reported citing Tihar officials.
It is for the first time that he received insulin after his arrest by Enforcement Directorate (ED) on March 21, 2024. He has been lodged in Tihar since April 1.
AAP claimed that his sugar level had been continuously high and shot up to 320. “Finally BJP and its jail administration came to their senses and gave INSULIN to CM Kejriwal in jail. CM Kejriwal’s sugar level had reached 320. This has been possible only due to the blessings of Lord Hanuman and the struggle of the people of Delhi. We have succeeded in delivering insulin to our Chief Minister,” the party posted on X.
बजरंग बली की जय 🕉️🚩
आखिरकार BJP और उसके जेल प्रशासन को सद्बुद्धि आई और उन्होंने CM केजरीवाल को जेल में INSULIN दी।
◼️CM केजरीवाल का शुगर लेवल 320 तक पहुंच गया था।
◼️ये भगवान हनुमान के आशीर्वाद और दिल्लीवालों के संघर्ष से ही मुमकिन हो पाया है।
हम लोग अपने मुख्यमंत्री तक…
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) April 23, 2024
The AAP had earlier accused the Tihar administration of denying insulin to Kejriwal and a conspiracy to kill him.
Earlier on Monday, the incarcerated CM had also accused the Tihar jail administration of issuing “false and misleading” statement under “political pressure” and said that AIIMS doctors never said there was no reason to worry about his diabetic condition. He added that he has been requesting for insulin daily since he is diabetic and has high blood sugar levels.
Dismissing Kejriwal’s accusation, the Tihar jail administration claimed that during a video consultation with specialists from AIIMS, neither the issue of insulin nor its necessity was raised.
Meanwhile, the Rouse Avenue Court ordered AIIMS to create a medical board to examine Kejriwal and determine if he needs insulin to manage his blood sugar levels. The court also noted that the AAP convener was eating home-cooked food, which differed from the diet plan recommended by his doctor.
It, however, turned down his requested for permission to consult a private doctor of his choice daily for 15 minutes through video conferencing for his “acute” diabetes and “fluctuating” blood sugar levels.