Bargarh: The Melchamunda police on Friday arrested Saket Shribhusan Sahu of Gaisilet in Bargarh district, a day after a video showing ‘Chhabila Madhu Barnabodha’, the most popular Odia primer being burned went viral.
Police acted on a complaint lodged by Odia poet Haladhar Nag, who alleged that his name had been misused in the video uploaded on the Facebook page ‘Koshali’. A case under Sections 419, 420 and 66 under IPC was registered and Saket was arrested after being questioned, police sources said.
The post had triggered a controversy since the page had a display picture of Nag. In his complaint, the Odia poet alleged that someone had created a fake Facebook profile in his name.
Condemning the whole incident, he had earlier said that ‘Chhabila Barnabodha’ depicted the pride and identity of Odia language and some people were trying to defame him by using his picture on the page.