New Delhi: Former Trinamool Congress member and actor Mimi Chakraborty on Tuesday, shared that she has been receiving rape threats and messages of a lewd nature after she put up protest posts regarding the Kolkata rape-murder case. Mimi also tagged the Kolkata Police’s cyber cell department on it.
Mimi wrote, “And we are demanding justice for women right? These are just few of them. Where rape threats has been normalised by venomous men masking themselves in the crowd saying they stand by women. What upbringing and education permits this???? (sic).”
These are just few of them.
Where rape threats has been normalised by venomous men masking themselves in the crowd saying they stand by women.What upbringing nd education permits this????@DCCyberKP— Mimi chakraborty (@mimichakraborty) August 20, 2024
The actor had also participated in a protest against the rape and murder of the Kolkata medic. Apart from Mimi, actors such as Riddhi Sen, Arindam Sil, and Madhumita Sarcar also took part in the protest, which was held on the night of August 14.
Notably, Mimi Chakraborty was a Member of the Parliament (MP) from the Jadavpur Lok Sabha constituency (2019 -2024)