New Delhi: Amid the “Bharat-India” political row, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reportedly asked his ministers to abstain from commenting on the issue. “Do not comment,” sources quoted him as saying at a meeting of the Council of Ministers where G20 and other issues were discussed, NDTV reported.
The prime minister is not learnt to have discussed the subject with his ministers before this.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday morning, former Congress chief Sonia Gandhi wrote to PM Modi, suggesting a list of nine subjects that can be discussed at the special session of parliament beginning on September 18, to which the government suggested that Mrs Gandhi does not pay attention to tradition, under which the agenda need not be discussed before the session begins.
“After the calling of the session by the President and before commencement of the session, there is a meeting of the leaders of all the parties in which the people rising in the Parliament are discussed. Issues and work are discussed.” Wrote Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi.