Bhubaneswar: The Biju Patnaik International Airport, which handled 4 million passengers during the 2018-19 fiscal year, made a profit of Rs 18.56 crore during this period, said the Airport Director, S. C. Hota.
He said directors of all airports in the eastern region will converge in the city to discuss threadbare the growth of the aviation sector in the eastern region, progress made in infrastructure development and financial aspects. The progress made by the airport here, which is being developed as a model airport will also be discussed.
The meeting will also be attended by Chairman of Airport Authority of India, Guruprasad Mohapatra, he said.
During the 2018-19 fiscal, the city airport registered a 27.9 per cent growth in passenger traffic, led by an exponential rise in both domestic and international passenger traffic. It handled 41,58,731 domestic passenger traffic between April 2018 and March 2019 and 94,320 passengers during the same period.