Bhubaneswar: The private tutor who had allegedly abducted two minor girls was arrested by Badagada police on Thursday and the girls have been handed over to their parents.
The private teacher, Gopalkrushna Badatiya, has been booked for sexual assault and kidnap, along with POCSO Act, said police.
Badatiya used to give private tuitions to the two girls, who are sisters, but on Sunday he abducted them from their residence in Badagada by taking advantage of the absence of their family members.
The girl’s parents suspected the teachers involvement and filed a complaint at Badagada police station. “The two girls are missing for the past three days. We suspect the tuition teacher has abducted them. I urge the police to take immediate steps to rescue our children,” said one of the parents.
During investigation, police that Badatiya was staying in a rented accommodation with the two girl in Ainthapali area of Sambalpur district. Bhubaneswar police contacted their Sambalpur counterparts who raided the hideout and rescued the girls. A team of Badgada police brought the girls back to Bhubaneswar on Wednesday.
The girls were handed over to family members through the Child Welfare Committee.