New Delhi: Will there be Bigg Boss OTT 3 or not? That is the big question everyone is asking after the makers deleted the announcement post of the upcoming season of Salman Khan’s show. Earlier this week, Bigg Boss’ production house Endemol Shine India took to its official Instagram handle to announce Bigg Boss OTT 3. They shared a poster in which Salman is seen pointing towards the audience as he also asked, “Who do you want to see in Bigg Boss OTT.” However, the post has now been deleted, according to News18.
Now, netizens are wondering if the makers are not planning a new season for Bigg Boss OTT. The first season of the show was hosted by Karan Johar when Divya Agarwal emerged the winner. Salman Khan replaced KJo as the host for Bigg Boss OTT 2. Munawar Faruqui won the show.
This is just a random post by endemol and no way does confirm #BiggBossOTT3 arrival. There are no plans of #BiggBossOTT3.
If there is any further update we will post
— The Khabri (@TheKhabriTweets) April 16, 2024
This has also led to netizens wondering if the announcement has something to do with the shooting incident outside Salman Khan’s house recently. On April 14, gunshots were fired outside Khan’s Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai’s Bandra area. The Mumbai Crime Branch arrested the two accused from Gujarat’s Bhuj later and brought them to Mumbai. The accused were identified as Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal. Top Mumbai Police sources also told News18 that Lawrence’s gang was behind the attack and it was carried out by Rohit Godara, who operates the Bishnoi gang in Rajasthan.