New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party’s official website was taken offline on Tuesday afternoon after it was hacked. The homepage was defaced with expletive-filled messages and meme of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
No hacker group has claimed responsibility so far and the website continued to remain offline till this report was filed. An official response from the party was awaited.
The meme poked fun at the clip in which German Chancellor Angela Merkel walks past the prime minister as he extends his hand, expecting her to shake it.
A caption above the meme said, in abusive language: “Brothers and sisters, I’ve fooled all of you. Brothers and sisters, we’ve fooled all of you. More to come! Many, many congratulations!”
Opposition Congress could not resist mocking at BJP. “If you’re not looking at the BJP website right now — you’re missing out,” said Divya Spandana, head of social media for the main opposition party.
Bhaiya aur Bhehno if you’re not looking at the BJP website right now- you’re missing out
— Divya Spandana/Ramya (@divyaspandana) March 5, 2019