New Delhi: The body of a UPSC civil services aspirant was found in Delhi’s Mukherjee Nagar area on Friday. A native of Rajasthan, the youth had been missing for the past few days. The police were searching for him upon being informed that is when they found his body inside the bushes near Mukherjee Nagar.
According to ANI, the police suspect it to be a case of suicide. However, no suicide note or any material evidence was found to suggest he committed suicide.
In recent months, quite a few cases of suicide by UPSC civil services aspirants have been reported.
On August 28, A 22-year-old youth’s body was found hanging inside his rented accommodation in Lucknow. Police found a suicide note in which the youth who was preparing for government jobs including UPSC civil services expressed extreme frustration on not being able to secure a government job.
In July, 26-year-old Anjali Gopnarayan from Akola in Maharashtra was found hanging inside her rented room in Delhi’s Old Rajendra Nagar. She was preparing for the UPSC civil services. In her suicide note, she revealed the extreme mental stress that students preparing for government jobs undergo. She also mentioned her struggle with depression, adding that the government should increase job opportunities and prevent job scams. She also requested the government to allow euthanasia for people struggling with depression. She even requested her parents to donate her organs.