New Delhi: The Nagpur Police Control received an anonymous call from a person who threatened to blow up the house of Amitabh Bachchan and Dharmendra. The caller claimed that there would be a blast in Mukesh Ambani’s lavish paradise, Antilia, as well, media reports said quoting sources.
Soon after this call, the Nagpur Police Control gave the information to the Mumbai Police. Mumbai Police is trying to trace the caller. It is currently not possible for the Mumbai Police to claim whether it was a hoax call, India Today reported.
Amitabh Bachchan owns five luxurious houses in Mumbai – Jalsa, Janak, Vatsa, and Prateeksha. Prateeskha is the first property the Bachchans bought in Mumbai. This is the house where Amitabh’s late parents used to live. Currently, the entire Bachchan family resides in Jalsa. Dharmendra lives in a bungalow in Juhu.
A pap account also shared the information on Instagram.
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