New Delhi: The Bombay High Court on Monday pulled up Sameer Wankhede for leaked chats and asked him if he was responsible for the media leak of a conversation between him and actor Shah Rukh Khan. The court was referring to the alleged WhatsApp conversation between Wankhede and Shah Rukh Khan, which was leaked to the media and was doing rounds on social media despite the matter being sub judice.
Meanwhile, Wankhede’s lawyer alleged that an honest officer is being harrassed under the pretext of an investigation despite his full cooperation and understanding in the matter.
CBI, on the other hand, claimed that Wankhede isn’t willing to inform it about certain aspects of the case and also alleged that he leaked his conversation with Shah Rukh Khan to the media. The central agency also demanded that Wankhede be not given any shield against the arrest by the court, News 18 reported. Wankhede, who was the former Mumbai NCB chief, appeared before the CBI in Mumbai for the third day in a case in an alleged extortion case related to Aryan Khan’s drug case investigation.
Wankhede and his aides are accused of demanding a Rs 25 crore bribe from superstar Shah Rukh Khan for not implicating his son Aryan in the Cordelia cruise ‘drug bust’ case, an official said. The CBI booked Wankhede and four others on May 11 for alleged criminal conspiracy and threat of extortion, besides provisions about bribery under the Prevention of Corruption Act on a complaint by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).
Continuing the exemption from arrests, the High Court directed CBI to file its response on June 3 while Wankhede’s team will have till June 7 to respond. The next hearing is on June 8.