Mumbai: Akshay Kumar took to social media on Sunday, which happened to be her daughter’s birthday, to seek blessings from his fans and also say ‘a big thank you for all the lovely posters and videos’ made by some of them on his upcoming film ‘Ram Setu’.
He also teased them about bringing something special for them tomorrow, without specifying anything.
Ram Setu, starring Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrratt Bharuccha apart from the 55-year-old superstar Akshay, is scheduled to be released during Diwali.
आज मेरी बेटी का जन्मदिन है…want to seek your blessings and also say a big thank you for all the lovely posters and videos made by some of you on #RamSetu.Am absolutely speechless & overwhelmed🙏 कल कुछ special ला रहें हैं हम आप सब के लिए…उम्मीद है आप को पसंद आएगा. Love you all.
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) September 25, 2022
Makers of the film Abundantia Entertainment asked fans to stay tuned.
We cannot wait to show you what we have made with a lot of love and hardwork.
Stay tuned for something special tomorrow! 🙏#RamSetu @vikramix #AbhishekSharma
— Abundantia Entertainment (@Abundantia_Ent) September 25, 2022
Directed by Abhisekh Sharma, Ram Setu revolves around the story of an archeologist (played by Akshay) and his experiments to understand whether the sea-link bridge (Adam’s Bridge) is a myth or reality. The film reportedly draws its inspiration from Ramayana, where Vanara Sena led by Hanuman built this bridge to securely bring Sita and get her reunited with Ram.