Puri: District Collector Samartha Verma on Tuesday directed the Excise officials to raid Satapada area under Bramhagiri police station limits to nab suspected brown sugar dealers taking advantage of Durga Puja festivities while the administration is busy maintaining law and order across the district.
Excise superintendent Amarendra Jena, accordingly constituted a team comprising Satapada sub-inspector Binod Baske and raided Raibidhar Bazar area on Tuesday morning and seized 112 gram brown sugar from a trader, identified as Abhiram Das (36), a resident of Raibidhar.
The sleuths also seized a Pulsar bike and arrested Abhiram (case No.64/2021) along with contraband before forwarding him to the court. The seized brown sugar is worth Rs 11,20,000, said the sources.
Sub-inspector Binod Baske, Rankanidhi Mallik, Assistant Sub-inspector Loknath Panda and constable Sanjeev Hasti Praveen Biraj Kar took part in the raids.