Cuttack: The Orissa High Court on Wednesday directed Ollywood actress Varsha Priyadarshini to appear before Delhi Police within 15 days in connection with a case filed against her for allegedly making casteist remarks against a staff of her estranged husband and BJD MP Anubhav Mohanty.
The Delhi police had earlier issued summons to Varsha, her mother and niece in the matter. Following this, Varsha, on July 30, moved the HC for anticipatory bail. While granting interim relief to the actress, her mother and niece, the court had posted the next hearing in the case for August 8.
While the incident took place in the national capital on July 9, 2019, the Delhi Police registered an FIR under the SC/ST Act (when a person not belonging to an SC or ST intentionally insults, with intent to humiliate, a member of an SC or ST in any place within public view) on July 22 this year.
A team of Delhi Police had also arrived in Cuttack on July 25 in this connection but had to return due to alleged lack of cooperation from their counterparts here. The actor along with her elder sister reached the Purighat police station to receive the summon later that day.